Complete as frases abaixo com “can”, “can’t”, “c

ould” ou “couldn’t”.
a. I _________________ understand the chapter we had to read for homework. It
was so difficult.
b. I _________________ lift this box – it’s too heavy! Would you help me?
c. Lucy _________________ make it to our meeting after all. She’s stuck in
traffic at the moment.
d. John _________________ play tennis really well. He’s the champion of his
e. Unfortunately, I really _________________ sing at all! No-one in my family is
musical either.
f. Julian _________________ play excellent chess when he was only ten.
g. My grandmother _________________ use a computer until last month. Since
then, she’s been taking lessons at the library.
h. I _________________ open this window. I think it’s stuck!
i. Gill _________________ play the piano. She’s never studied it.


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