What's In Let us recall first some important terms of measurement, Wearing the letters the following highlighted terms and fill in the banks provided to

complete sentences 1. To EURBEAM means to give a particular number to particular characteristic of a person an object or concept when measurements are made, they are expressed quantitatively as numbers 2. The THLEGN is the term used for identifying the size of an object by the distance from end to end or commonly referred to as the longest dimension of an object. 3. SAMS refers to the amount of matter an object has while 4. HTTWEG is the gravitational force acting on an object S. MVOEUL is the amount of space an object occuples. In a container, it is considered to be the capacity of the container 6. ETIM is the ongoing and continuous sequence of events taking place in succession, from past to the present to the future 7. LENAG was derived from the Latin word angulus, which means corner. It is a figure formed when two rays share a common endpoint called the vertex​


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