89 4 — Complete with the Superlative form. (Complete com a forma superlativa.)a) Mary is the youngest

89 4 — Complete with the Superlative form. (Complete com a forma superlativa.)

a) Mary is the youngest (young) of all the students in the classroom.

b) My cat is (good) pet in our house!

c) Whales are (big) animals in the sea.

d) I don’t like lizards. They’re (ugly) animals o planet!

e) This is (exciting) film I have ever seen.

f) My neighbour’s cat is (bad) cat in our neighbourhood!

g) Crocodiles are (scary) animals in the world.

5 — Choose the correct answer. (Escolha a resposta correta.)

1) What animal is the one?

a) tallest b) taller

2) Elephants are than leopards.

a) largest b) larger

3) Do you think zoos are interesting than amusement parks?

a) more b) the most

4) Insects are things in the world!

a) more horrible b) the most horrible

5) I like monkeys. They are animals in the zoo.

a) the funniest b) funnier than

6 — Complete the sentences with the Superlative or the Comparative form. (Complete as frases com a

forma superlativa ou comparativa.)

a) We went to (cheap) hotel in the city.

b) The United States are very large but Canada is (large).

c) I prefer this chair to the other one. It is (comfortable).

d) I had a terrible day. It was (bad) day of my life.

e) What´s (long) river in the world?

f) Tom was sad yesterday but he is (happy) today.​

1 Resposta

  • Tay

    1- d) He went to a city in Canada
    2- c) He went by bus
    3- d) He went to the movies
    4- b) Were
    5- a) Did started

    Espero ter ajudado.

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