01) Leia o texto e marque no exercício abaixo “True or False” ( Falso ou verdadeiro) Yesterday was

a great day. I was on a trip with my family. We were at the beach all day. My parents were happy because they weren’t at work. My sister was in the sea all morning. The water was cold but I wasn’t in it for long. It was hot and my brother wasn’t very smart – he didn’t use sunscreen so he got burnt!


Trip- viagem, passeio / beach- praia / Sea- mar / water- água / cold- fria / for long- por muito tempo/ smart- esperto / sunscreen- protetor solar/ got burnt- ficou queimado

a. They were at the beach yesterday. True / False

b. His dad was happy. True / False

c. He went swimming for a long time. True / False

d. It was a cold day. True / False

2) Leia as frases e circule a resposta correta. Observe o exemplo:

Exemplo: He ___was___ sick yesterday. were / _was_ / weren't

a) I in the school play last year. were / was / is

b) you on the bus this afternoon? Was / Were / Where

c) I late for school today, I was early. wasn’t / weren’t / were

d) They happy with the football score. weren’t / wasn’t / was

e) We tired yesterday. was / wasn’t / were

3) Descubra o erro na frase, grife e escreva a palavra correta. Observe o exemplo:

Exemplo: He were (here) yesterday. was___

a) I weres asleep at 11 o’clock last night.

b) She were happy with her test result.

c) He where in the garden this afternoon.

d) I weren't in the football team last year.

e) They was scared of the dark.

alguém me ajuda
pôr favor gente

1 Resposta

  • Felipe











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