01)conjugue os verbos das frases abaixo com o tempo do simple past. a) a tetter to my grandmother(to write-afirmativa).

01)conjugue os verbos das frases abaixo com o tempo do simple past.
a) a tetter to my grandmother(to write-afirmativa).
b) feed her fish.(to forget-afirmativa)
c) behauior yyesterdy.(to like-negativa)
d) right leg last week.(to hurt-afirmativa)
e) sonething? (to tell-interrogativa)
f) about your accidarto(to tell-afirmativa)
g) be-interrogativa-2 pessoal singula-to born)
h) italy.(to be-born-afirmativa-1 pessoa singular)
i)the cat on the roof.(to see-afirmativa)
my day(to see-interrogativa)
k) tot this week.(to work-afirmativa)
l) work-afirmativa-2 pessoa do singular

1 Resposta

  • alvesdasilvamariaedu

    a) wrote


    c)didn’t like


    e)did he tell


    g)were you born

    h)I was born


    j)did you see


    l)did you work

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