02- Complete as frases usando os verbos no passado a) I Lucas yesterday. (to see) b) The to the radio last

02- Complete as frases usando os verbos no passado a) I
Lucas yesterday. (to see)
b) The
to the radio last night. (to listen)
c) She
at home. (to be)
d) He
a coin in the street. (to find)

03- Reescreva as frases na forma NEGATIVA (DO PRESENTE).
a) She drives well.
b) You know the lesson.
c) They go to school.
d) Fred sings very well. .

04- Complete as frases na forma INTERROGATIVA:
a) The boys studied their lesson.
the boys
b) He drank much wine?
c) Mary went to school.
d) They worked in a big farm.
their lesson?
much wine?
to school?
in a big farm?
05- Complete with: is, am, are.

a) Brazil
a very big country,
b) Were
we now?
at school.
c) What color
your house?
it yellow
d) How you? We fine.
e) Jessica
absent today.
f) you a new student?


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