02) Leia o texto abaixo escrevendo os verbos correspondentes e em seguida marque um x na sequência


Geraldine Ferraro’s recent comments about Barack Obama underscore Just how far we haven’t

come in America in understanding issues of race and gender. Ferraro Said: “If Obama a White man he in this position And if he a

woman of any color he in this position. He happens to be very Lucky to be

Who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept.”

(Se Obama fosse um homem branco, ele não estaria nessa posição. E se ele fosse uma mulher

de qualquer cor, não estaria nessa posição. Ele tem muita sorte de ser quem ele é. E o país está

envolvido no conceito.)

a) Were, would not be, would note be, was not

b) Were, would not be, were, would not be

c) Was, would be, were, wasn’t

d) Was, could be, were, would not be

e) Nenhuma das alternativas


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