1-A Frase: ´´Is he going to read the good newspaper?``.Tem como resposta curta: a-( ) No, he is b-( )

1-A Frase: ´´Is he going to read the good newspaper?``.Tem como resposta curta: a-( ) No, he is
b-( ) Yes, he is not
c-( ) No, he is not
d-( ) N. D.A

2-E correto dizer que em frases negativas usamos o NOT:

a-( ) Antes do sujeito
b-( ) Depois do verbo auxiliar To Be
c-( ) Depois do verbo auxiliar somente
d-( ) N. D.A

3-A Frase: `` Jhon is not going to choose the blouse`´´.na afirmative form fica:

a-( ) Jhon is going to choose the blouse
b-( ) Jhon is going to the blouse
c-( ) Jhon is to choose the blouse
d-( ) N. D.A

4-`´ A Frase : ´´Mary is going to drew the Picture ``.Na negative form fica:

a-( ) Mary did not drew the picture
b-( ) Mary is not going to Drew the picture
c-( ) Mary is not draw the picture
d-( ) N. D.A

5-A Frase : ``Is he going to fight with your friend?`´.Tem como resposta curta negative:

a-( ) Yes, he did
b-( ) No, he is
c-( ) No, he isn´´t
d-( ) N. D.A


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