1 Answer with the correct question tag (responda com a questio tag correta): A) I’m right, ………………………?

B) I’m not wrong, ……………………? C) She’s in the garden, ……………….…..? D) Tom lives here, ……………………………….? E) He doesn’t live in Rome…………………………………….? F) Mary can swim, ……………………………..? G)He wasn’t at home, ………………………………….? H)They were at the club, ……………………………….? I) Betty didin’t come,……………………..? J) Henry went to Bermuda, …………………………..? 2_Correct the 14 verbs bellow. The frist one is done for you. Do it at your notebook. (Corrija os 14 verbos abaixo. O primeiro está feito para você. Faça no seu caderno) My brother always get up (gets up) at 6:00am, and then wash his face, and brush his teeth. After breakfast, he go to the college at 7:ooam. He study history and English and he always pass his exams with an A+ grade! Then, he hurry back home at around 400pm and do his homework before he have dinner at 6:30pm, and then he watch TV in the evenings. In his free time he play tennis and read magazines. He also have a part-time job two days a week: he teach English and Spanish at a local college!


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