1)Assinale a alternativa em que o pronome pessoal/substantivo e o verbo To Be estão em desacordo: a)

She is a nurse.
b) They are bakers.
c) They are happy.
d) We is confident.
e) Zoe is a beautiful girl.

2)Seguindo a estrutura da forma negativa do verbo To Be marque a alternativa incorreta:

a)They are not afraid.
b)Joe not is a doctor.
c)Antony is not a driver.
d)Ana and Mary are not tired.
e)I am not angry.

3)Quanto à formação da forma “negativa contraída” marque a alternativa correta:

a)She aren’t my neighbor.
b)Marcia and Beth isnot soccer players.
c)Brigith isn’t an actress.
d)Martin in’ot sleeping.
e)Daniel i’snt a driver.

4)Marque a alternativa correta quanto à forma interrogativa:

a)Are You the scientists?
b)They the invited actresses?
c)Are is in South America?
d)He are my brother?
e)Is are an athlete?

5) Assinale a alternativa que não contém membros de família:

a)They are my sisters.
b)Tony is my stepfather.
c)Zec and Joe are cousins.
d)Alex, Mary and Ted are brothers.
e)Antony and Joseph are neighbors.

1 Resposta

  • Santosmanuele

    1 - D

    2 - B

    3 - C

    4 - A

    5 - E


    confia na mãe

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