1) Choose the correct option: * 1 ponto a) Mary is sick, so she won’t go to school. b) Mary is happy so

she did a good test. c) Mary is tired therefore she danced for the whole night. 2) Choose the correct option: * 1 ponto a) I like singing. Since, I like dancing. b) Mom will go to the beach although the rain. c) She wrote me a letter with a lot of beautiful words, for example love, kindness and peace.

3) Choose the correct option: * 1 ponto a) In spite of study, Carl didn’t do a good test. b) Lucy woke up, then she had breakfast. c) Chris plays tennis. However, she plays soccer.

4) Choose the correct option: * 1 ponto a) – Hey, it’s heavy! I’m going to help you. b) – I’m so in love with you. I’m going to love you forever! c) – I’m hungry. I’ll have a sandwich.

5) Choose the correct option: * 1 ponto a) Mary is saving money because she will travel next year with her mom around Europe. b) – Look, the sky is dark! It’s going to rain. c) The teacher says: Today we will talk about the future forms.

6) Choose the correct option: * 1 ponto a) Mark is going to study hard this year because he intends to enter university next year. b) Lucy is not going to go home with you. She doesn’t like you. c) – Oh, my God! There’s no soap and I must do the dishes. I’m going to buy it now.

7) Choose the correct option: * 1 ponto a) – I’m so sad. I’m going to go away now. b) – She needs me. I’m going to help her. c) – What will you do tonight?

8) Choose the correct option: * 1 ponto a) Dan will give me a ride. b) My daughter is going to help me. c) Mark will buy a new car next year. That’s his intention.

9) Choose the correct option: * 1 ponto a) Peter plays the guitar. Besides, he plays the violin. b) Suzy needs a bike nevertheless to go to work. c) Mark is working because he is busy.

10) Choose the correct option: * 1 ponto a) I’m not hungry, but there’s always room for dessert. b) Mary loves listening to music, so Beatles and Rolling Stones. c) She woke up, and she had breakfast, and she brushed her teeth.


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