1. Complete a primeira coluna com This ou That e a segunda these ou those para traduzir as sentenças em

seguida. a) is a cake (perto) g) are my cars. (perto) T= T= b) clock is old. (longe) h) bikes are red. (longe) T= T= c) 이 is my father. (perto) i) pencils are on the table. (longe) T= T= d) Hat is cheap. (longe) 5 j). books are greats. (perto) T= T= e) shirt is White. (longe) 1) are golf balls. (longe) T= T= f) cap is clean. (perto) f). hamburgers are delicious. (perto) T= T=

1 Resposta

  • rodrigovtrn

    This is a cake.
    These are my cars.
    That clock is old.
    Those bikes are red.
    This is my father.
    Those pencils are on the table.
    That hat is cheap.
    These books are great.
    That shirt is white.
    Those are gold balls.
    This cap is clean.
    These hamburgers are delicious.


    This (sing) e These (plural) usado para perto. That (sing) and Those (plural) usado para longe.

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