1- Complete as frases com os verbos entre parênteses, usando as regras do Simple Present Tense: 1. Robert

twenty-five pounds a week. (earn)
2. Robert beautiful pictures. (paint)
3. She to come here. (want)
4. They to buy a television-set. (want)
5. It two hours to get there. (take)
6. This sweater four pounds. (cost)
7. Ted football well. (play)
8. Miriam too much time with him. (spend)
9. Stan to the BBC regularly. (listen)
10. Linda German fluently. (speak)
11. He medicine. (study)
12. Miss Gibb very well. (dress)
13. Barry too much whisky. (drink)
14. Mike only thrillers. (read)
15. My teacher very hard. (work)
16. Betty to me regularly. (write)
17. Mr Bull us very often. (visit)
18. This beer sour. (taste)
19. It on the circumstances. (depend)
20. Water of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. (consist) ​

1 Resposta

  • jvskateboard

    1. Robert earns twenty-five pounds a week.

    2. Robert paints beautiful pictures.

    3. She wants to come here

    4. They want to buy a television-set.

    5. It takes two hours to get there.

    6. This sweater costs four pounds.  

    7. Ted plays football well.

    8. Miriam spends too much time with him.

    9. Stan listens to the BBC regularly.

    10. Linda speaks German fluently.

    11. He studies medicine.

    12. Miss Gibb dresses very well.

    13. Barry drinks too much whisky.

    14. Mike reads only thrillers.

    15. My teacher works very hard.

    16. Betty writes to me regularly.

    17. Mr Bull visits us very often.

    18. This beer tastes sour.

    19. It depends on the circumstances.

    20. Water consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.

    Espero ter ajudado! :)

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