1. complete as lacunas com as preposições: in, on ou at. ( v-0,5) a) i was born monday. b) rousseau

was born june 28, 1712 and died july, 1778. c) i love são paulo night. d) we are going to brazil summer. e) the car leaves 10 o’clock. plural of nouns 2.complete com o plural das palavras entre parênteses. ( v-0,5) (koala) are from australia. they have big (nose), yellow (eye) and very strong (foot). their (tail) are very small. verb to be 3.complete the sentences. ( v-0,5) a) i a fan of soccer. (eu não sou fã de futebol.) b) we . ( nós somos casados.) c) lisa a writer. (a lisa não é escritora.) d) the idea to sell the house. (a ideia é vender a casa.) e) he a driver, he is a dentist. (ele não é um motorista, ele é um dentista.) verb to be in the past 4. choose the correct pronoun. ( v-0,5) a. am sitting on the sofa. ( )

1 Resposta

  • Tai

    a) I was born on Monday. b) Rousseau was born in June 28, 1712 and died in July, 1778. c) I love São Paulo at night. d) We are going to Brazil in the summer. e) The car leaves at 10 o’clock. 

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