1.Complete as lacunas com o personal pronouns correto:a)Mary and i, are friends. are best friends!b)Pedro

1.Complete as lacunas com o personal pronouns correto:

a)Mary and i, are friends. are best friends!

b)Pedro is my brother. is five years old.

c)My name is Marcelo. love soccer.

d)Erica is whatching tv. likes movie

e)My father plays tge piano. is very good.

f)The cat is sleeping. is very tired.

g)Maike and Ana are on vacation. are in cancun.

2.Complete as lacunas com a forma correta do verbo "to be"

a)Peter my brother
b)Mary and Sarah fron the united states.
c)The dog sick.
d)I tired today.
e)Anthony and i, best friends.
f) Sugan here?
g)What your name?
h) they at school


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