1) Complete o texto abaixo colocando os adjetivos em inglês indicados entre parênteses no grau comparativo

em inglês. Observe se os adjetivos são curtos ou longos, pois as regras são diferentes, conforme você aprendeu. Preste atenção também nas formações irregulares, que são as exceções: Comparing twin sisters Janet and Glenda are twin sisters, they are identical physically but they have different personalities. Glenda is (talkative) than Janet, this means that Janet is (shy). Janet is also (responsible) than Glenda, because Glenda is (funny) and she doesn’t like serious things. However, Janet is (sportive), she likes riding bikes and going to swimming pools. Glenda is (lazy), she doesn’t like any sport, she prefers to go to parties and to have fun with frien


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