1) complete the following senteces with the present continuos form of the verbo in parentheses b) the bus

1) complete the following senteces with the present continuos form of the verbo in parentheses
b) the bus ( stop) for us now
c) listen! think the telephone ( sing)
d) t ree that you ( wear) your new suit today
e) look ! it * begin ) to rain
f) listen ! someone ( knock) at the door
g) please be quiet ! the baby ( sleep )
h) look ! the cat ( try) to climb that tael tree
i) helen ( make) good progren im her studin
j) the baver ( begin ) to fael from the treen
k) john (have) lunch in the cafeteria now the piano
m) at present they ( travel ) in south america
n) be careful ! the teacher ( watch ) you
o) they ( have) sales in all the stores now

1 Resposta

  • Ivansouza

    B) is stopping
    c) is singing
    d) are wearing
    e) is beginning
    f) is  knocking
    g) is sleeping
    h) is trying
    i) is making
    m) are traveling
    n) is watching
    o) is having

    espero ter ajudado

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