1. Complete the sentences with FIRST CONDITIONAL a) If it Rains (rain), I will glay (stay) at home. (not

go) to Paris, 1 (no buy) a b) If French guidebook. (need) to eat if you c) You (want) to have good results. d) We (pass) the test if we (study). e) If (win) the scholarship, (travel) to Australian. 2. Now, complete the sentences with SECOND CONDITIONAL (pag. 194) a) If I (win) the lottery, I (build) a castle. b) If (buy) a plane, (travel) around the world. c) (be) happy if I (get) a gold medal. d) What you (do) if you (have) one million dollars? e) She (stay) on the beach, if she (can)


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