1. Escolha a melhor resposta: verbo ou substantivo? A questão 'a' já foi feita para você. a) It´s important

1. Escolha a melhor resposta: verbo ou substantivo? A questão "a" já foi feita para você. a) It´s important to know how to collaborate/collaboration when working in a group. RESPOSTA: TO COLLABORATE

b) When there are set rules in a place, people know what to expect and there is less to confuse/confusion.

c) It is unfair not to punish/punishment cheating.

d) The threat of to embarrass/embarrassment is enough to discourage people from braking rules.

e) To be fair, every community has to inform/information all of its members of the rules.

2. Complete as lacunas abaixo com as seguintes palavras: economy economic uneconomic economise

a) We're spending too much electric energy. We must economise! (verbo)

b) This car uses a lot of petrol. lt's terribly . (adjetivo negativo)

c) The Chancellor (Minister of Finance) is responsible for affairs. (adjetivo)

d) The is in recession. (substantivo)

3. Complete as lacunas abaixo com as seguintes palavras: resided residents residence residential

a) This is the President official . (substantivo)

b) There's no industry or entertainment here. lt's a district. (adjetivo)

c) All of the neighboring houses were warned of the gas leak. ( sujeito na 3ª pessoa do plural tendo como núcleo um substantivo)

d) He returned to Britain in 1939, having resided abroad for many years. (verbo)

1 Resposta

  • Juhbs

    1. B. Confusion

    C. To punish

    D. Embarrassment

    E. To inform

    2. B. Uneconomic

    C. Economic

    D. Economy

    3. A. Residence

    B. Residential

    C. Residents

    D. Resided

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