1) Passe para o inglês usando how much / how many / much / many: a) Quanto dinheiro você precisa



b) Quantas pessoas vivem em Londres?


c) Essa menina tem muitos amigos.


d) Quantas canetas você tem?


2- Complete as sentenças com “how much” ou “how many”.

a) is that bottle of wine?

b) rooms are there in your apartment?

c) students are there in your class?

d) I don’t know this book is.

e) I love you. times do I need to tell you that?

3- Marque a alternativa que completa a frase

It is better to stay quiet.

a) very

b) many

c) a lot of

d) Much

has been written about this subject.

a) Much

b) Many

c) Lost of

d) Fewer

4- Use dentro do parêntese F (falso) ou V (verdadeiro):

a) ( ) How much information do you need to proceed with the investigation?

b) ( ) How many book is in the table?.

c) ( ) How much apples are there in the refrigerator?

d) ( ) How much do you love me?

5-Escolham o pronome que completam as frases abaixos

I don't want you to eat apples again.

( ) This

( ) That

( ) These

( ) Those

I don't like but I'll try to help you.

( ) This

( ) That

( ) These

( ) Those

6- Complete as sentenças abaixo com THAT ou THOSE.

a) cats are fighting!

b) car is very fast!

c) Are clothes yours?

d) Hey! is my backpack!

7- Complete as frases com THESE ou THOSE.

a) are my cousins. (Perto)

b) computers are expensive. (Longe)

c) pants are pink and shirts are blue. (Longe/ Perto)

d) are Peter and John’s umbrellas. (Longe)

8- Selecione a opção correta

Essas aqui são minhas cartas.

These here are my cards.

Those here are my cards.

This here are my cards.

9- Faça a tradução das frases para o inglês:

a) Essas pessoas são minhas amigas.


b) Esses presentes são para mim?


c) Aqueles cachorros estão felizes.


10- Escolha o pronome que completa a frase:

a) is my house. (This – Those)

b) are my friends. (These – That)

c) Is your backpack? (This – These)

d) I do not like pencils. (These – That)

1 Resposta

  • Fernandaa

    Seguem abaixo as respostas corretas para cada uma das questões:

    1) a) How much money do you need to withdraw?

    b) How many people live in London?

    c) This girl has many friends.

    d) How many pens do you have?

    2) a) How much is that bottle of wine?

    b) How many rooms are there in your apartment?

    c) how many students are there in your class?

    d) I don't know how much this book is

    e) I love you. How many times do I need to tell you that?


    Alternativa D. It is much better to stay quiet.

    Alternativa A. Much has been written about this subject.

    4) a) (V)

    b) (F)

    c) (F)

    d) (V)

    5) I don't want you to eat those apples again.

    I don't like this but I'll try to help you.

    6) a) Those cats are fighting!

    b) That car is very fast!

    c) Are those clothes yours?

    d) Hey! That is my backpack!

    7) a) These are my cousins.

    b) Those computers are expensive.

    c) Those pants are pink and these shirts are blue.

    d) Those are Peter and John's umbrellas.

    8) These here are my cards.

    9) a) These people are my friends.

    b) Are these presents for me?

    c) Those dogs are happy.

    10) a) This.

    b) These.

    c) This.

    d) These.

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