1- reescreva usando caso possessivo ('s): a)the house of my brother-in-law b)the toys of the children

1- reescreva usando caso possessivo ('s):

a)the house of my brother-in-law

b)the toys of the children

c)the apartment of mr clark and his wife

d)the reputation of the senator

2-write question for these answer focusing on the underline part.

elephants eat "plants and fruit."

susy lives in "central america."

studies "science" on tuesdays.

feed their babies with "milk".

3-answer the questions.

a)what is he doing now?

b)what is he going to do tomorrow?

4-are you going tp swim?

a)i am going
b)yes, i am
c)no, i don't
d)yes and no

5-she doesn't read every day but

a)she is reading now
b)she reads now
c)she doesn't read now
d)she does

6-reescreva as sentenças usando 's ou off.

a)the maid cleans all (the room - house)

b)i'm going to borrow (the bicycle - my mother)

c)please, give me ( glass - water)

d)have you seen (the newspaper - today)?

e)do you like (the color - this shirt)?

7-complete the question and answer with do, does, don't or doesn't.

lay eggs? no,

a snake lay eggs? yes, it

platypus swim? yes, it

pelican have scales? no,

1 Resposta

  • tokioruiva

    1) A- The brother in law's house

    B- The children's toys

    C- The Mr Clark's and his wife apartment

    D- The Senator's reputation

    2) A- What does the elephant eat?

    B- Where Susy lives?

    C- What does Brenda study?

    D- How mammals feed their babies?

    3) A- He is swimming

    B- He is going to play ball

    4) B


    6) A- The maid cleans all the room of the house

    B- I'm going to borrow my mother's bicycle

    C- Please give me a glass of water

    D- Have you seen the newspaper of today?

    E- Do you like the color of this shirt?

    7) A- Do, doesn't

    B- Do, does

    C- Do, does

    D- Do, doesn't

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