1. Retorne à entrevista com Angelina Jolie e reescreva as perguntas na forma indireta.2.Agora faça o mesmo

1. Retorne à entrevista com Angelina Jolie e reescreva as perguntas na forma indireta.
Agora faça o mesmo com a entrevista da Katy Perry.
Leia as perguntas indiretas a seguir e as transforme em perguntas diretas.
a) Could you tell me what time it is?
b) Could you tell me how i can get to the post office?
Could you tell me if Bill is at home?
Could you tell me if they arrived late?
Could you tell me if you live in that building?
f) Could you tell me if we can park here?

1 Resposta

  • Felipe

    a) What time is it?

    b) How can I get to the post office?

    c) Is Bill at home?

    d) Do they arrived late?

    e) Do you live in that building?

    f) Do we can park here?

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