1. Se for necessário, complete as frases com A e AN. a. Last night we heard terrible noise in the garden.

a. We saw good film on television. b. Is your uncle dentist? c. How often do you watch TV? Three times week. d. Please proceed to gate number 24. e. English is not difficult language. f. Your children like playing football. g. Hapiness is the most important thing in life. h. I go to English class twice week. i. I play tennis at school. j. They usually spend Summer in California. k. My parents are doctors at hospital in this town. l. Would you like glass of water or cup of coffee? m. I won’t have breakfast because I am on diet. n. I have uncle Who lives in the US.

1 Resposta

  • Elen

    a) Last night we heard a terrible noise in the garden.

    b) We saw a good film on television.

    c) Is your uncle a dentist?

    d) How often do you watch TV? Three times a week.

    e) Please proceed to gate number 24.

    f) English is not a difficult language.

    g) Your children like playing football.

    h) Happiness is the most important thing in life.

    i) I go to English class twice a week.

    j) I play tennis at school.

    k) They usually spend Summer in California.

    l) My parents are doctors at hospital in this town.

    m) Would you like a glass of water or cup of coffee?

    n) I won't have a breakfast because I am on diet.

    o) I have an uncle who lives in the US.

    Explicação: → Nós usamos a forma "A" quando a palavra que vier depois dele começar com um som de consoante. Exemplos:

    1- I have a house. (Eu tenho uma casa.)

    2- I need a new pencil. (Eu preciso de um lápis novo.)

    3- I'm buying a flower. (Eu estou comprando uma flor.)

    → Já a forma "An", usamos quando a palavra que vier depois dele começar com um som de vogal. Exemplos:

    1- I have an umbrella. (Eu tenho um guarda-chuva.)

    2- I need an elegant shirt. (Eu preciso de uma camisa elegante.)

    3- I'm buying an apple. (Eu estou comprando uma maçã.)

    PS: Nas questões que eu não preenchi ao meu ver não tem como colocar o "a" ou o "an".

    Espero ter ajudado, bons estudos! (❁´◡`❁)❤

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