1. The Eiffel Tower is located in France. It is a monument. * A) French B) Francese C) Frenchese D) Frenchen

1. The Eiffel Tower is located in France. It is a monument. * A) French

B) Francese

C) Frenchese

D) Frenchen

2. Swiss, Greek and Dutch are Nationalities of people who live in .

A) Middle West

B) Asia

C) Europe

D) America

3. De acordo com o Present Continuous, qual a alternativa traz o a forma interrogativa da sentença: “Mary and her friends are dancing at the party.” *

A) Am Mary and her friends dancing at the party?

B) Are Mary and her friends dancing at the party?

C) Are Mary and her friends not dancing at the party?

D) Is Mary and her friends dancing at the party?

4. Marque a alternativa que completa as seguintes frases com a forma correta do Present Continuous na forma afirmativa: “The children (to play) in the garden.” ; “She (to drive) fast.”

A) is playing / is driveing

B) are plaing / are driveing

C) is playing / are driving

D) are playing / is driving

5. Qual é a forma interrogativa da frase: “John plays the violin.”

A) Do John plays the violin?

B) Does John play the violin?

C) Does John plays the violin?

D) Did John play the violin?

6. Assinale a alternativa que possui verbos que recebem –s em seu radical quando ficam na terceira pessoa do singular:

A) buy – swim – dance – write - rain

B) watch – wash – kiss – go - fix

C) listen – speak – read – write - relax

D) try – cry – study – play - buy

7. A forma Negativa de: “Peter and his friends go to school by bus”, é:

A) Peter and his friends not do go to school by bus.

B) Peter and his friends does not go to school by bus

C) Peter and his friends doesn´t go to school by bus.

D) Peter and his friends do not go to school by bus.

8. Marque a alternativa que corresponde ao sentido de proibição da forma Imperativa.

A) Push!

B) Open your books and read page 34.

C) Don’t talk during the class.

D) Let’s watch a movie!

9. Marque a alternativa correta de acordo com o sentido expresso nas frases no Imperativo abaixo: Don’t talk in the class! Let’s go to the movies! Get up, Marcelo!

A) proibição – convite – ordem

B) proibição – ordem – convite

C) ordem – convite – ordem

D) convite – proibição – ordem A bus driver’s speech.

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. This is your driver Hamilton Rodriguez speaking. Welcome aboard. We are leaving Little Rock with destination to Nashville, stopping in Forest City, Memphis and Jackson. I’m estimating our arrival in Forest City in two hours. We are getting to the Nashville bus station within eight hours, by six o’clock in the morning. Please, don’t smoke, fasten your seat belts and have a nice trip. Thank you! (These are words commonly heard on board airplanes, ships and some buses) 10. Assinale a aternativa VERDADEIRA de acordo com o texto.

A) Esse tipo de fala é utilizado apenas em ônibus.

B) A chegada em Forest City, segundo o motorista, é em torno de duas horas.

C) O locutor do ônibus trabalha juntamente com o motorista.

D) “Por favor, não fumem, apertem os cintos, não fiquem de pé e tenham uma ótima viagem”, foi uma das falas do motorista.


1 Resposta

  • Michaeldouglas

    1) A

    2) C

    3) D

    4) D

    5) B

    6) A

    7) C

    8) C

    9) A

    10) B ou D, ambas estão certas.

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