1) (unioeste) assinale a alternativa que expressa uma comparação de igualdade.a) we are the world's leading

1) (unioeste) assinale a alternativa que expressa uma comparação de igualdade.

a) we are the world's leading producer.

b) you used to wait years to have a telephone installed.

c) these resources are no longer exploited at the cost of the environment.

d) brazilians are as technology-hungry as anywhere in the world.

2)andi is 165 cm tall. donna is 167 cm tall. so, donna is than andi.

a) taller
b) bigger
c) shorter
d) smaller

3)my cat is your cat.

a)bigger than
b)big than
c)more bigger than

4)i like watching football, but now i do.

a)used to
b)use to
c)didn't use to

5)the boys are today than they were yesterday.

c)more happy

6)frodo said the gold ring was … the silver ring.

a)the most expensive
c)more expensive than
d)as expensive than

7)why did people mend their clothes?

a)used to
b)use to
c)didn't use to

8)are cats … dogs?

a)more intelligent than
b)intelligent than
c)the most intelligent
d)as intelligent than

9)brazil is england.

a)biger than
b)bigger as
c)bigger than
d)biger as

10)john like mary, but he doesn’t now

a)used to
b)use to
c)didn't use to

1 Resposta

  • Fernandaa

    1) D

    2) taller

    3) bigger than

    4) didn´t use to

    5) happier

    6) more expensive than

    7) used to

    8) intelligent than

    9) bigger than

    10) used to


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