1. We explored the ways in which the sonnets and plays circulated in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth-century

England. Mark the option which explains the difference, in the Elizabethan times, between the Shakespearean sonnet as it appears on the printed page of Thomas Thorpe’s 1609 edition and its dramatic proclamation on a play like Romeo and Juliet. The ephemera enactment of a play, in contrast with the permanence of a printed book of poems, reveals a desire to be read by an elite audience of educated readers.

It was almost impossible to print a book of poems in Elizabethan England, therefore Shakespeare needed to insert them into his plays.

Plays and poems were both highly popular and circulated a lot in printed versions.

Usually, only actors were interested in the sonnet sequences of the 1590s Elizabethan England, therefore Shakespeare needed to insert some of his sonnets into his plays.

The printed book of poems, in contrast with the ephemera enactment of a play, reveals a desire to be read by an elite audience of educated readers.


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