13.Assinale o incorreto: a)Uma ação completada no passado é descrita utilizando-se o passado simples.

13.Assinale o incorreto:

a)Uma ação completada no passado é descrita utilizando-se o passado simples.

b)No passado simples o verbo sofre alterações ortográficas para concordar com o sujeito da terceira pessoa do singular.

c)Does, do e did não servem como auxiliares do verbo To be.

d)O presente contínuo pode ser usado para descrever uma ação planejada.

e)Quando empregamos do, does ou did como verbo auxiliar, o verbo principal fica na forma básica.

14)Passe a frase a seguir para inglês "Há muitas coisas que precisamos aprender."

a)There are many things we need to learn.

b)There is many things we need to learn.

c)There are many things we are needing to learn.

d)There's lots of things we needed to learn.

e)There are many things we needs to learn.


Children generally (like) to go to the parks but their parents (have) time to (take) them t

1 Resposta

  • castrofiori

    What is climate change?

    'Climate change' means the increase in the Earth’s average temperature since the beginning of the 20th century and its impacts now and in the future. Since about 1900, the average near-surface temperature of the planet has increased by 0.75 degrees Celsius and the UK's sea level has risen by about 10 centimetres. Further global rises are expected, as well as more extreme weather events like flooding and drought.

    - The causes of climate change

    There is very strong evidence that recent global warming can't be explained by natural causes alone. Humans are changing the climate by their actions, especially through emissions of greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide, which artificially warm the Earth's atmosphere.

    - The effects of climate change

    The effects of climate change include rising temperatures, higher sea levels and more frequent extreme weather events like storms and heatwaves. These are expected to become more severe in coming decades. What people do now and in coming decades to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will determine the level of future impacts.

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