16.Bill Gates, ……………. is currently the richest man in the world, is the founder of Microsoft. A.

that B. which C. whom D. who 17.In ……………. of going by bus, he went ……………. bike. A. spite / in B. spite / by C. stead / in D. stead / by

18.……………. your mother brought you up shouldn’t be taken for granted. A. That B. What C. Who D. Which

19.I enjoyed talking to the people ……………. I had dinner last night. A. with whom B. whom with C. with who D. who with

20.I received two job offers, ……………. I accepted. A. neither of which B. of which neitherC. which neither D. neither of that

21.My daughter ……………. home now. I’m not sure. A. must be B. might be C. has to be D. is certainly

22.I missed the bus. If only I ……………. able to catch it. A. had been B. would be C. were D. am

23.Why didn’t you ask me for help? If you ……………. that, I ……………. you a hand. A. did / would give B. do / will give C. had done / would have given D. did / will give

24.If we ……………. in time, we could have save them. A. have come B. come C. came D. comes

25.She would have answered the phone if she ……………. in her office. A. were B. had been C. is D. would be

1 Resposta

  • Clara

    16. A. That.

    17. B. Spite/By.

    18. A. That.

    19. C. With who.

    20. D. Neither of that.


    22. A. Had been


    24. B. Come

    25. A. Were

    Espero ter ajudado.

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