1questão: write true (t) or false (f) according to the text: this is sally anderson. she is thirteen years

1questão: write true (t) or false (f) according to the text:

this is sally anderson. she is thirteen years old. sally likes school. her favorite subjects are history and math. there are some things sally can’t do. she can’t act and she can’t sing. so what can sally do? she can play basketball player. basketball is her favorite sport. sally is a champion basketball ! sally can play the piano and the guitar. but there isn’t much time for these activities. basketball practice is at four thirty every afternoon.
a) sally anderson is a student. ( )
b) math and history aren’t her favorite subjects. ( )
c) sally is good in act and sing. ( )
d) sally has much time to play the piano and the guitar. ( )
e) she plays basketball in the afternoon. ( )

a sequência correta é:
a) f – f – f – t – t
b) t – t - f – f - t
c) t - f - f – f - t
d) t – f – f – t – t
e) f – f – t – t - t
2ª questão: assinale a alternativa em que o plural está incorreto:
a) toys, boxes, leaves, trees, heroes, glasses
b) berries, women, ladies, dresses, teeth
c) leafs bushs, wolfs, calfs, childrens
d) watches, geese, calves, dogs, owls
e) butterflies, wives, parties, hammers, stories
3) mark the incorret alternative about the present continuos:
a) they are going to schol by bus.
b)she is walking in the park.
c) it´s raining.
d)are you eating a big sandwich?
e) louis and meg is studying geography.
4) complete the paragraph using the present continuos: it´s past six in the morning and the to school. they for the bus.
a) is raining-is going-is waiting
b) is rainning-are going-are waitting
c)are raining-is going-are wainting
d) is rainning- are going -are waiting
e) is raining-are going-are waiting
5) nos verbos disssibilabicos terminados em consoante-vogal-consoante de acordo com aregra repete-se a utima consoante final e acrecenta-se ing. assinale a alternativa em que vocabulos não seguem esta regra.
a) write-writing/try-trying/fix-fixing
b) blog-blogging/get-getting/cut-cutti ng
c)admit-admitting/begin-beginning/c ontrol-controlling
d)prefer-preferring/commit-commttin g/occur-occurring
e)refer-referring/regret-regretting /transmit-transmitting
6) assinale a alternativa cujos vocabulos esta no genero masculino em ingles:
a) brother-sister-aunt-uncle-father
b)father-brother- tiger -boy -lion
c)princess-prince-brother-lion-fath er
d)aunt-princess-brother-lioness-fat her
e)bull-cow-sister-brother-father-mo ther

1 Resposta

  • Yarawaneska

    1. c) T - F - F – F - T

    2. c) leafs, bushs, wolfs, calfs, childrens

    3. e) louis and meg is studying geography.

    4. e) is raining-are going-are waiting

    5. toda estão corretas

    6. b)father-brother- tiger -boy -lion

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