1supply the fallowing verb formsplayed discovered. dancedhelled cleaned. meta) friends at schoolb) piano

1supply the fallowing verb forms

played discovered. danced

helled cleaned. met

a) friends at school

b) piano very well years ago

c)érica in 1492

d) with his exercises

e) room before going to school

f) last saturday

5)rewrite the sentences into the negative and interrogative form

a)she negan a new course last month.

b)they bought a new car last week

c)we liked the film

d)he worked in an affice

6)choose the correct alternative

a)where did he

(a)go (b)went

b)when did work?

(a)came (b)come

c)what did ?

(a)gave (b)give

d) old dog very much

(a)loved (b)love

e) piano all night long

(a)play (b)played


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