2) As frases abaixo foram retiradas de um parágrafo do texto “How could someone steal a painting

from a museum?”  Marque com um X a alternativa cujo verbo no SIMPLE PAST TENSE completa adequadamente cada oração: “When Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa … from the Louvre Museum in Paris in 1911, the world … chocked.  ( ) disappeared / was ( ) disappeared / beed ( ) disappear / be  The theft … undetected for days.  ( ) goed ( ) went ( ) go  Museum staff … the empty space on the wall and … the painting had been moved to the Louvre’s restoration center for  upkeep.  ( ) saw / assumed ( ) seed / assumed ( ) see / assume  But by the second day, the Louvre … the police.”  ( ) call ( ) called ( ) is going to call 


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