2. Complete os espaços com much ou many. a. We can’t see stars in the sky tonight. b. Please be quick.

I don’t have time to spare. c. He says he feels better today. d. You eat more calories than you expend. e. There are so things I want to ask you.

1 Resposta

  • Rafaela

    a) We can't see many stars in the sky tonight.

    b) Please be quick. I don't have much time to spare.

    c) He says he feels much better today.

    d) You eat much more calories than you expend.

    e) There are so many things I want to aks you.

    Usa-se much para situações não contáveis, como no item b, tempo não contamos, não existe 1 tempo, 2 tempos...

    Já o many é utilizado para situações contáveis, como no item a, estrelas são contáveis.


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