2) Fill in the gaps using SIMPLE PAST or PRESENT PERFECT. 1. I (HAVE) my job for two years. 2. (YOU/GO)

to Los Angeles last summer? 3. She (LIVE) in Rome for three years. 4. (YOU/EVER/BE) to China? 5. I (PLAY) tennis yesterday. 6. Tim (BREAK) his leg last year. 7. How long (DAVID/BE) interested in cinema? 8. They (GO) to New York in 1990. 9. She (NOT/PLAY) tennis last Sunday. 10. (YOU/GO) to the cinema last night? 11. (SHE/EVER/BE) to Australia? 12. We (GO) to Canada last summer. 13. She (JUST/TIDY) her room. 14. We (NOT/EAT) yet. 15. Bob (STUDY) French two years ago 3)Complete the text. Use the PAST SIMPLE or the PRESENT PERFECT.

Film maker David Morris (BE) interested in cinema since he

(BE) a small child. He (MAKE) his

first film when he (BE) just twelve years old. He is now almost 40 and

he (MAKE) 30 films. David loves travelling. His work

(TAKE) him all over the world. He (BE)

to Africa, India, Australia, China, the USA and South America. Last year he

(VISIT) Russia for the first time. David is married to the singer, Leena

Lennox. They (BE) married for ten years. They live with their two

children on the Greek island of Crete. They (BUY) a house on the

island in 1987 and they (LIVE) there since then.


1 Resposta

  • Julliagatinhappank

    Exercício número 2
    1. Have had
    2. Did you go
    3. Lived
    4. Have you ever been
    5. Played
    6. Broke
    7. Has David been
    8. Went
    9. Didn’t play
    10. Did you go
    11. Has she ever been
    12. Went
    13. Has just tidied
    14. Haven’t eaten
    15. Studied

    Exercício número 3
    Has been, was, made, was, has made, has taken, has been, visited, have been, bought, have been living

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