2 - (UNIFOR-CE–2005) Pop Star Secrets Revealed! By HENRY FOUNTAIN Popcorn kernels are nature’s firecrackers,

and as with any explosive device, [ADVERB] you get a dud. In this modern era of microwave popcorn, in fact, you may get a lot of duds - a mass of unpopped kernels rolling around the soggy bottom of the bag. But fret not, snack food lovers, there [TO BE] good news. Scientists at Purdue University think they’ve uncovered why some kernels fizzle instead of exploding. The discovery may help popcorn producers grow varieties that have lower failure rates. While a poppable kernel must have a precise amount of moisture in the endosperm, or starchy center (about 14.5 to 15 percent), the Purdue researchers say the real explosive secret lies in the hull, or pericarp. In some varieties, the pericarp becomes more moistureproof as it is heated, sealing in the steam until the pressure gets so high that the hull fractures and the kernel goes pop. In other varieties that don’t undergo heat-induced change, the moisture escapes, the hull never breaks and then the kernel goes pt. “Those varieties that have a lot of kernels where moisture leaks out too rapidly don’t pop too well,” said one of the researchers, Dr. Bruce R. Hama ker. He and [PRONOUN] colleagues should know: they tested 14 varieties of popcorn, all Indiana-grown, for popping performance and moisture loss. The percentage of unpopped kernels ranged from 4 percent to more than 45 percent. The study is published online by the journal Biomacromolecules. (Adapted from New York Times, April 19, 2005) No segundo parágrafo, a forma correta de [TO BE] é:


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