3- Assinale, grife ou circule a alternativa correta: a) Yesterday, she find his ticket for the concert. CAN’T

3- Assinale, grife ou circule a alternativa correta:
a) Yesterday, she find his ticket for the concert. CAN’T / COULDN’T
b) You smoke in the hospital. CAN / COULD
c) I sleep last night. CAN’T / COULDN’T

1 Resposta

  • daymano

    a) Yesterday, she find his ticket for the concert. CAN’T / COULDN’T

    b) You smoke in the hospital. CAN / COULD

    c) I sleep last night. CAN’T / COULDN’T

    Os verbos can e could significam, respectivamente, pode e podia ou poderia. Repare que o can (pode) se refere ao presente e could (podia, poderia), ao passado.

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