4) Assinale a opção que completa corretamente a frase. 'I that film many times.' ( to see)a) has

4) Assinale a opção que completa corretamente a frase. "I that film many times." ( to see)

a) has seen b) have seen c) saw d) have saw

5)"She that film last weekend." (to see)

a) has seen b) have seen c) saw d) has saw

6) Complete a frase com SINCE ou FOR:

a) I have lived here1995.

b) She hasn't seen her sister five years.

c) My friend has traveled to New York three months.

d) You have studied at Venceslau Bueno 2001.

1 Resposta

  • Mariarosadasilva

    4) b

    5) c


    a) since

    b) for

    c) for

    d) since


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