5. How long …………………… Jane…………………(know) her boyfriend? 6. I ……………………………………..(receive,

yet, neg) my magazine ………….
7. Tim ………………………………(never, ride) on a rollercoaster.
8. ………………Tina …………………(give, yet) you your jacket back …………..?
9. I …………………………………..(just, meet) my cousin from Canada.
10. ………………you ………………( see) my keys? I think I …………………………………(lose) them.
11. Briget ………………………………(watch, already) this play, so she’s going home.
12. How many sisters …………………… you …………………(get)?
13. Mary …………………………………….(sell) her car to a friend.
14. We aren’t late. The programme …………………………………….(yet, start, neg) ………….
15. I ………………………………..…(see, already) that film. I saw it last year.
16. You ………………………………….(miss, just) the bus. It left a minute ago.
17. ……………..Janet……………..( bring) the shopping in …………..?
18. Can I read that newspaper? Yes, I …(just, finish) reading it.
19. …………………Tom and Jake …………………………(ever, eat ) chorizo?
20. How long ……………………. Henry……………..(live) in Brazil?
21. I think he ……………………………………..(live) in Brazil since 2008.
22. That MP4 ……………………………………..(be) in the shop window for months.
23. …………………..you ………………….(ever, send) an email to your aunt?
24. How much ……………………you ……………………..(spend) this month on CDs?
25. My sister, Hannah …………………………………..(already, finish) university.
26. My mum …………………………………………(never, wear) colourful clothes.
27. ………………….Paul ……………….(pass) his driving test …………….?
28. Quick! Someone ……………………………………..(just, steal) my purse?
29. Don’t move. I …………………………………….(neg, take) the photo ………………
30. She’s tired because she ……………………………………….(just, wake) up.
31. I don’t think I ……………………………………( ever, fall ) in love with anyone.
32. Jeremy …………………………………….( just, break) his leg.
33. ………………………..you…………………….(see, ever) such a fantastic car!
34. Thank goodness you ……………………………….(leave, neg) ………..
35. Gerard ……………………………………….( be) in the national team since 2006.


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