5) Qual é a pergunta que está na ordem correta: 5 po

5) Qual é a pergunta que está na ordem correta:
5 pontos
Gets worried about the environment who?
About gets the environment who worried?
Who gets worried about the environment?
Opção 4
6) Escolha a sentença negativa CORRETA futuro simples “will”: *
5 pontos
We not will be here, when you come back.
I will not travel to São Paulo next month.
He will get a good not job if he study hard?
My brother will get married in six months.
7) Qual é a frase correta, seguindo e estrutura dos pronomes reflexivos:
5 pontos
I can do it by my himself.
They used to fish every afternoon by herself.
She played videogame by herself everyday.
The dog is brave by himself.
8) Qual alternativa está ERRADA, future simples “going to”: *
5 pontos
He isn´t going to buy a bike.
Emily aren´t going to travel next year.
Ed isn´t going to visit his grandmother.
Letícia is going to talk to Mariana after de class.
9) Qual pergunta está CORRETA, future simples “will”.: *
5 pontos
I will go to Cambé?
Will she win the game.
Will we do that?
They will not drink all water?

1 Resposta

  • lazari


    5) Who gets worried about the environment?

    6) My brother will get married in six months.

    7) She played videogame by herself everyday.

    8) Emily aren´t going to travel next year.

    9) Will we do that?


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