A. Fill in the blanks using the nouns, adjectives and verbs listed below. Make modifications when necessary.

A. Fill in the blanks using the nouns, adjectives and verbs listed below. Make modifications when necessary.

In charge

Little secret
Savings account

Spending limit
To agree
To be
To buy
To face
To go

To go for
To hang around
To make up
To meet
To tell
To spend
To visit

1. She California last year.
2. In a store, people pay for things at the
3. Don’t anything to him. It will be our
4. When she has a problem with her computer, she looks for a
5. They usually 100 dollars when they go to a restaurant.
6. She never her friends on Mondays.
7. I think Mathematics is difficult, do you with me?
8. Do you sometimes tell your to your parents?
9. I will wear a dress to go to the senior prom.
10. She is happy because she will to the mall next weekend.
11. She has a geography and it’s on Thursday.
12. Let’s the medium-size box popcorn. We don’t need to buy two boxes.
13. He wasn’t in class, so he was
14. Where you yesterday?
15. My hotel room the pool.
16. Our friends have a at Banco do Brasil.
17. In 1900, times were very different. There was no color TV
18. do you prefer, Geography or Math?
19. I looked at the to check how I look with this dress.
20. Grandma, can you the difference? I don’t have money.
21. Let’s go to the mall. We don’t have money but we can
22. John usually gets bad grades. He study more.
23. I don’t like fried eggs. I preferones.
24. Whatshould we get? A big box or a medium one?
25. Our parents are traveling and I’mof lunch this week.
26. Oh, what a beautiful dress. It’s theone for the prom.
27. Janet spends all her money. She generallyeverything she wants.
28. I can’t get it because it’s fifty dollars is my.

B. Complete the sentences below using the verbs in parentheses in the correct form.

1. Peter the Met next weekend. (to visit)
2. Last Spring, beautiful flowers by the lake. (there be)
3. I can’t go out. I an assignment to do. (to have)
4. I at a barbecue last Sunday. (to be)
5. Today, ten students, but yesterday just five. (there to be)
6. On my street, a cute girl named Jolie. (there be)
7. Dad, TV in the 1940s? (there to be)
8. Mary bacon, but her son eggs. (to like – to prefer)
9. My volleyball team next month. (play)
10. “ you in China last week?” “No, I home.” (to be)
11. They their homework on time. (should + to do)
12. A long time ago, I a large desert in Africa. (to visit)
13. My sister a lot of homework to do during the week. (have)
14. a new student in class last week. (there be)
15. I absent yesterday, teacher. My parents and I on vacation in New York city. (to be )
16. Meg and Carly happy yesterday. (to be - NEG)
17. In the 1950s, black and white TVs very expensive. (to be)
18. What next week? (Sam – do)

1 Resposta

  • Gustavopierro

    1. a) faster
    b) more dangerous
    c) happier
    d) smaller
    e) thiner
    f) farther
    g) clever
    h) bigger
    i) prettier
    j) hotter

    2. a) more difficult
    b) newest
    c) curlier
    d) best
    e) worst

    3. a) sam is stronger than james
    b) elephants are bigger than horses
    c) sally is slimmer than martha
    d) chips are better than spinach
    e) days are shorter in autumn
    f) polar bears are more dangerous than most animals

    espero ter ajudado!!

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