A) Make the second conditional: 1. If I (to come-neg.) home earlier, I not (to prepare) dinner. 2. What

Francesco (to do) if we (to live) in Rome? 3. If Tim and Tom (to be) older, they (to play) in our hockey team. 4. I (to invite) him to my birthday party if he (to be) my friend. 5. She (to be) better at school if Susan (to study) harder. 6. It (to be) too cold during the night if they not (to wear) pullovers in the mountains. 7. If Michael (to get) more pocket money, he (to ask) Doris out for dinner. 8. A ‘’second conditional’’ é formada pelo if + past, would + verb. Essa afirmação é: a. ( ) Verdadeira b. ( ) Falsa 9. Complete: ‘’What you do if you in the middle of a field and a bull running toward you?’’, sendo que a tradução da frase seria: O que você faria se você estivesse no meio de um campo e um touro começasse a correr em sua direção? a. ( ) would, if, were, started. b. ( ) should, if, were, started. c. ( ) if, could, were, started. d. ( ) would, if, was, start. e. ( ) were, if, would, started. 10. A ‘’second conditional’’ é formada pelo if + present, will + verb. Essa afirmação é verdadeira ou falsa? a. ( ) Verdadeira b. ( ) Falsa B) Finish the sentences. Use the correct phrases about Second Conditional: 1. If Samantha did the washing up, a) he will clear the table. b) he would clear the table. 2. I would go to the party a) if you come with me. b) if you came with me. 3. Our boss would stay longer in York a) if he had had more time. b) n. d.a. 4. If I were you, a) I´d not have played hockey. b) I´d not play hockey. 5. If she drove from Paris to Lisbon, a) which way will she go? b) which way would she go? 6. If Jane thirsty, she’d drink some water. a) is b) were c) would be d) n. d.a. 7. If these women ___, they ___hard. a) work / would succeed b) worked /´d succeed 8. I ___go if I receive your letter. a) had / would b) would / has c) would / had

1 Resposta

  • rodrigovtrn

    Você poderia colocar a Tradução pq eu não sou bilíngue

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