mbrando que, quando há uma vírgula, o IF vem primeiro) /I’ll call her tonight. / If she gives me/ her telephone number,/ /all that medicine,/ he’ll get well./ If he takes/ /If they do/ they’ll understand their lessons./ all their homework,/ /all that food,/you’ll get sick./ If you eat/ /we won’t go to the farm./ tomorrow,/ If it rain/ /she ‘d/date to him./ If she’ll like him,/ /in Paris,/she’d spend all her money on clothes./If she lived/ /any money,/ I’ll buy anything./ If you give me/ / you’d be rich./ win in the lottery,/ If you/

1 Resposta

  • rcezare


    If she gives me her telephone number, I’ll call her tonight.

    If he takes all that medicine, he’ll get well.

    If they do all their homework, they’ll understand their lessons.

    If you eat all that food, you’ll get sick.

    If it rain tomorrow, we won’t go to the farm.

    If she’ll like him, she‘d date to him.

    If she lived in Paris, she’d spend all her money on clothes.

    If you give me any money, I’ll buy anything.

    If you win in the lottery, you’d be rich.


    As frases são exemplos da 1ª e da 2ª condicional em inglês.

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