Ajuda por favor ajuda até amanhã às 12: 30

Ajuda por favor ajuda até amanhã às 12: 30

1 Resposta

  • Yarawaneska

    A- Where are your mum and dad?
    b- Is your brother at school? 
    c- We are from poland.
    d- Are you from london? / No I am not
    e- Tom and his friend are funny.
    f- Are they lucky? / Yes they are
    g- Is Superman strong? / Yes he is.
    h- Is this TV programme good?
    i- His name is Jack.
    j- Mark and I are friends.
    k- Lucy and Katy are at school now / They are at home.

    What is your name?
    When is it?
    Who is your teacher?
    How are you?
    What time is it...?
    Where is it?

    Espero ter ajudado, bons estudos!

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