Alberto Santos Dumont (1873-1932) was born in Brazil and educated in Paris. He made his first ballon

ascent in 1898 and soon after that began constructing dirigible airships. In 1901 he won a Paris air race and international fame.
Turning to heavier-than-air machines, Santos Dumont built his 14-Bis in 1906, three years after the Wright brothers'
initial flight. His flight was the first in Europe, and his plane was the first anywhere to lift off the ground under its own
power. In 1909 Santos Dumont designed the Demoiselle monoplane, the forerunner of modern light planes. In 1901
Santos Dumont fell ill with multiple sclerosis and retires from flying. He returned to Brazil in 1916. III and despondent
over the use of aircraft in warfare, he committed suicide in 1932.
2)According to the text, organize the events. Then mark the correct option.
(De acordo com o texto organize e marque os fatos de acordo com o texto)
( Santos Dumont designed a monoplane called Demoiselle.
() Santos Dumont was educated in Paris.
( ) He built his 14-Bis in 1906.
( ) He died in 1932.
2) He made his first baloon ascent in 1898.
C( )4,1,3,5,2
AC). 2, 3, 5, 1,4
B( ). 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
DO )4,1,3,2,5


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