Alguém q saiba inglês? Atividade:1) Complete as sentenças com a few ou a little:a) The bottle of wine
Alguém q saiba inglês? Atividade:1) Complete as sentenças com a few ou a little:
a) The bottle of wine was almost empty. There was just
b) The airport was almost empty. Just people were
c) I have had good reasons to doubt him.
d) Please, have patience with her. Don’t yoy think you
have been rude?
e) After drinking glasses of vodka he felt
f) There was water in the jar.
g) Do you have time to talk this afternoon?
h) I am going to use tomatoes in the salad.
2) Marque a alternativa correta que melhor completa a frase: “I like watching
this program because it’s got advertising and interruptions.”
a) a few - little
b) little - few
c) quite a few - a little
d) little - quite a little
e) few - a few
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a) a few.
b) a few
c) a few
d) a little
e) a few// a little