Alguém é bom em inglês, e que possa me ajudar nos exercícios? é pra amanhã ,valendo nota. é sobre

immediate future, e futuro simples.

1 Resposta

  • Julliagatinhappank

    1. Na primeira você vai adicionar o is going to ou are going to:
    Nick is going to study in the library.
    You are going to write a love letter.
    The child is going to eat an apple
    They are going to get up early tomorrow
    My team is going to win the championship
    We are going to drink orange juice after dinner

    2. A segunda é a mesma coisa que a primeira, só que usando apenas os pronome (I, you, he/she/it...)
    He is going to live in Mexico
    She is going to travel the world
    They are going to buy a new house
    She is going to arrive tomorrow
    We are going to leave now
    I'm going to work next week

    3. Para passar uma frase para o negativo bastar adicionar um not após o pronome, ex:
    We are vira we are not (aren't forma contraída) Is vira Is not (isn't forma contraida) 

    Para passar uma frase para a forma interrogativa, usamos ''are'', is'', ''were'' antes do pronome. Exemplo:
    We were to the party;
    Were we to the party?

    She is beautiful
    Is she beautiful?
    We aren't going to give a party next saturday.
    Are we going to give a party next saturday?

    They aren't going to translate the text.
    Are they going to translate the text?

    The children aren't going to swim in the lake
    Are the children going to swim in the lake?

    Susan and Peter aren't going to play with the Kite
    Are Susan and Peter going to play with the Kite?

    We aren't going to celebrate your birthday
    Are we going to celebrate your birthday?

    4. O simple future é o mais comum de todos, basta adicionar o will + verbo
    They will climb that mountain
    He will check the tryes before the trip
    You will fill the radiator
    It will rain tomorrow
    They will visit the white house
    She will find the way to the bus station

    5. Para passar para a forma negativa, como eu já havia dito, é só colocar not depois do pronome. Will vira Will not (Won't forma contraída)
    Na forma interrogativa, o ''will' por exemplo irá iniciar a pergunta.

    The filme won't begin eighty thirty
    Will the filme begin eighty thiry?

    The train won't leave in five minutes
    Will the train leave in five minutes?

    She won't do hers exercises
    Will she do hers exercises?

    I won't travel to europe next year
    Will I travel to europe next year?

    Lucy will not buy a new cookery book
    Will Lucy buy a new cookery book?

    He will not go to Las Vegas to play in a Cassino
    Will he go to Las Vegas to play in a Cassino?

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