As mulheres enfrentaram um longo caminho até adquirirem um lugar de destaque e respeito em diversos âmbitos

da sociedade. As frases abaixo expressam algumas dessas conquistas: 1833: Oberlin College was the first college in America to admit women
1920: "Many women gained the right to vote in the United States [...]"
1941-45: "WWII created a new workforce of women while men were at war."
✓ 1963: "The Equal Pay Act passed in America and stipulated that men and women should be paid equally for equal work."
Sobre as frases acima é correto afirmar que

a) They refer to events that happened at a specified time in the past
b) Never happened.
C) Are happening right now.
d) They will happen soon.
e) They refer to events that happened an unspecified time


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