Atividade 11 Read the excerpt below and mark the alternative that corresponds to what is expressed by

Atividade 11
Read the excerpt below and mark the alternative that corresponds to what is expressed by each
of the underlined words, respectively.
The digital age is changing the way that students access the remnants of the past, but this
process is always constantly changing as a result of new fashions, new approaches and new
WELLER, T. (ed.). History in the digital age. London & New York: Routledge, 2013. p. 136.
( A ) Contrast and addition.
( B ) Addition and condition.
( C ) Conclusion and contrast.
( D ) Condition and conclusion.
Atividade 12
Complete the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Tip: They are First
Conditional sentences.
( A ) If you hard, you will develop your musical intelligence too. (work)
( B ) If you don’t have natural musical ability, you it by studying hard. (acquire)
( C ) Tony DeBlois able to play music from memory , if he listens to it once. (be)
( D ) You will develop musical intelligence, if you educational and family support.


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