Atividade MODAL VERBS: CAN, SHOULD, WOULD. Os verbos modais expressam diferentes ideias, dependendo

do contexto em que estiver inserido. Quais ideias os verbos modais em destaque com aspas 'simples' podem ter, em cada frase? Use o contexto para ajudar a responder. Para cada frase existe somente uma resposta correta. Existe uma expressão que sobrará, dentre as alternativas. . . 1)Why 'should' animals have rights? * . Impossibility . Permission . Ability/capacity . Refusal in a hypotetical situation . Conditional/future in the past . Advice/suggestion/moral obligation

. . 2)The questin is not "'Can' they reason?" nor "'Can they talk?" but "'Can' they suffert?" * . Impossibility . Permission . Ability/capacity . Refusal in a hypotetical situation . Conditional/future in the past . Advice/suggestion/moral obligation .

3)Whenever we consider doing something that 'would' interfere with their needs, we are morally obligated to take them into account. * . Impossibility . Permission . Ability/capacity . Refusal in a hypotetical situation . Conditional/future in the past . Advice/suggestion/moral obligation .

4)If you 'wouldn't' eat a dog, why eat a pig? * . Impossibility . Permission . Ability/capacity . Refusal in a hypotetical situation . Conditional/future in the past . Advice/suggestion/moral obligation . They 'cannot' spread their wings. * . Impossibility . Permission . Ability/capacity . Refusal in a hypotetical situation . Conditional/future in the past . Advice/suggestion/moral obligation.

1 Resposta

  • thayaraoliversantos

    1) ética e definida como um conjunto de valores 2)sim.ambos:quer dizer um e outros,duas,dois,os,dois,as espero ter ajudado deixa o link ❤️

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