AUTOMOBILES The world has changed a lot since the last decades of the 19th century with the invention of

AUTOMOBILES The world has changed a lot
since the last decades of the 19th
century with the invention of the
automobile, places have become
closer and man has travelled
In the 20th century,
automobiles brought deep
changes to the cities Cars
crowded the streets and took the
place of the old carriages
The 50's and the 60's
represented the greatest days of
the automobile. But an oil crisis
occurred during the 70's. Gasoline
became more expensive. Large
automobile companies worried
about it and began to work on the
"car of the future".
Cars in the future will be more
economical, lighter, and smaller
than they are today. They will use
different forms of energy. electric,
solar, and many others. These new
forms of energy will cause less pollution than
gasoline and will be cheaper.
O mundo mudou muito desde as
últimas décadas do século
dezenove com a invenção do
automóvel, os lugares se tomaram
mais próximos e o homem passa a
viajar mais rápido.
No século vinte, os automóveis
trouxeram profundas mudanças
para as cidades Os carros
superlotaram as ruas e tomaram o
lugar das antigas carruagens
As décadas de 50 e 60
representaram os grandes dias do
automóvel. Mas uma crise do
petróleo ocorreu durante a década
de 70. A gasolina se tornou mais
cara. Grandes companhias de
automóveis preocuparam-se com
isso e começaram a trabalhar no
"carro do futuro".
Os carros no futuro serão mais
econômicos, mais leves e menores
do que são hoje. Eles usarão
diferentes formas de energia
elétrica solar e muitas outras. Essas novas formas
de energia causarão menos poluição do que a
gasolina e serão mais baratas
Write T for true and F for false according to the text. (Escreva verdadeiro ou falso de acordo
com o texto.)
( ) The automobile was invented in the 19th century
b ( ) The greatest days of the automobile happened in the last decades of the 20th century
( ) In the 19th century, the automobile substituted the old carriages
d () The large automobile companies started to worry after the oil crisis that occurred during the 60's
() in the future cars will be use different forms of energy

1 Resposta

  • Joaoguiopdsfze

    6. 1. “The world has changed a lot since the last decades..”
    2. “Places have become closer.”
    3. “Man has travelled father.”

    A estrutura do present perfect é sujeito+has/have+verbo no passado ou na 3 coluna(quando é irregular)+complemento...

    7. a) we have bought a new lamp.
    b) we have not planned our holiday yet.
    c) where have you been?
    d) he has written five letters.
    e) she has not seen him for a long time.
    f) Have you been at school?
    g) School have not started yet.
    h) Has he spoken to his boss?
    i) No, He have not had the time yet.
    j) This dispute have not had yet.

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