AVALIAÇÃO DE LACUNA 1. Marque as alternativas de acordo com cada preposição in, on, e at: a)- The

Bird is on tree. C)- They ran down the hill. b)- Brazil is near Bolivia. D)- She has arrived from new York. 2. Marque a alternativa mais adequada: a)- Everyday I wake up at 7:30 AM. c)- John smokes very Much. b)-She dances well. D)- I like to study english. 3. Marque a prepositions correct: a)- The Picture was directed by Mr. ROSS. C)-Do you study portuguese. b)- we met each other at the party. D)- My dog is inteligente. 4. Escolha a alternativa correta: A)-They Walk to school together. C)- My cat is blue and White. b)- I have all the information on my cellphone. D)- They live near car. 5. Encotre a alternativa correta: a)- She prefers to carry an umbrela. C)- He studies in room 10. b)- We write many leettlers. D)- They speak Spanish well. 6. Identifique a alternativa correrta: a)- Poul and Mary got married yesterday. C)- They play in the park everyday


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